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Maven projects

Here's an example of how to package a Maven project. Firstly, adjust the pom.xml in your app module to configure the Maven dependencies plugin. We'll use this to get a directory of JARs to ship. Pay attention to the exclusions. Maven will only give us the JARs for whatever platform happens to be running the build, but we will need all of them. They can be added back manually later.


<!-- Copy all dependencies (excluding those with native components). -->

                <!-- Exclude JavaFX because we'll get that from JMODs if we need to. -->

                <!-- Exclude anything else here where the artifacts are machine specific. We'll add them back later. -->


Now before building the packages you'll need to run mvn prepare-package to populate the target/classpath-jars directory.

include "/stdlib/jdk/17/openjdk.conf"  // (1)!

include "#!=app.version mvn -q help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -DforceStdout"  // (2)!

app {
    display-name = myPROGRAM  // (3)!
    vendor = Global MegaCorp  // (4)!
    version = 1.0
    rdns-name = org.some-org.some-product

    inputs += app/target/my-program-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  // (5)!
    inputs += app/target/classpath-jars

    site.base-url =  // (6)!
  1. You can import JDKs by major version, major/minor version, and by naming a specific distribution.
  2. You can assign Conveyor keys from Maven properties by using hashbang includes. Note that -SNAPSHOT isn't valid in package versions.
  3. You may not need to set this if the display name of your project is trivially derivable from the fsname. The default here would be My Program.
  4. This is optional. It'll be prefixed to the display name and used as a directory name in various places; skip it if you don't work for an organization.
  5. This will import the app JAR and contents of the directory made by mvn prepare-package.
  6. This is where the created packages will look for update metadata.

Adapting a JavaFX app

Given the above we can make some small adaptations for JavaFX. Make sure your POM fragment is excluding the JavaFX JARs and then do something like this:

include required("/stdlib/jdk/17/openjdk.conf")

// Import JavaFX.
include "#!=javafx.version mvn -q help:evaluate -Dexpression=openjfx.version -DforceStdout"
include required("/stdlib/jvm/javafx/from-jmods.conf")

app {
  jvm {
    gui.main-class =
    modules = [ javafx.controls, javafx.swing, javafx.web ]

Please note:

  • You should list the JavaFX modules you need in the app.jvm.modules list.
  • You can read the JavaFX version from whatever property you're using in your POM to control that. Here it's openjfx.version but it could be anything.
  • The /stdlib/jvm/javafx/from-jmods.conf file imports the JMODs from the Gluon releases.

Please see the Gradle page to see how to set your stage icons.