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Control API (JVM)

The Control API provides access to the software update engine controlling your packaged application. This guide will walk you through the main features and usage of the SoftwareUpdateController interface. It will allow you to:

  • Find out the current version of the app.
  • Find out the latest version published at your update site URL.
  • Trigger an update.

The exact behavior differs by OS:

  • Windows. Triggering an update will restart your application, so make sure to only use this if you know there's an update available and if the user is ready for a restart.
  • macOS. Triggering an update will show the Sparkle update dialog offering the user to install and restart.
  • Linux. Not supported.

Getting Started

The control API can be found at the coordinates dev.hydraulic.conveyor:conveyor-control:1.1, so start by adding this library to your build. Your IDE should make JavaDocs available.

You first need to obtain an instance of the API:

import dev.hydraulic.conveyor.control.SoftwareUpdateController;

SoftwareUpdateController controller = SoftwareUpdateController.getInstance();

This method returns an implementation of the interface, or null if the app isn't running inside a Conveyor package.

Checking for Updates and Triggering the Update Process

To check for available updates and trigger the update process correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Get the current version:
    SoftwareUpdateController.Version currentVersion = controller.getCurrentVersion();
    if (currentVersion == null) {
        // Handle the case where current version is not available
  2. Check for the latest version from the repository:
    try {
        SoftwareUpdateController.Version latestVersion = controller.getCurrentVersionFromRepository();
        if (latestVersion == null) {
            // Handle the case where latest version information is not available
        // Compare versions using the compareTo method
        if (latestVersion.compareTo(currentVersion) > 0) {
            // A newer version is available
            if (controller.canTriggerUpdateCheckUI() == SoftwareUpdateController.Availability.AVAILABLE) {
                // Make sure to save all user data before calling this method
        } else {
            // No update available or current version is newer
    } catch (SoftwareUpdateController.UpdateCheckException e) {
        // Handle exception

This method makes an HTTP request, so it should be called on a background thread.

Remember to handle exceptions and check for null values where appropriate. Also, make sure to save all user data before calling triggerUpdateCheckUI(), as it may cause the process to shut down.

Availability of Update Checks

Check if update triggering is available on the current platform and package:

SoftwareUpdateController.Availability availability = controller.canTriggerUpdateCheckUI();
switch (availability) {
    case AVAILABLE:
        // Update checks can be triggered
    case NON_GUI_APP:
    case OTHER:
        // Handle cases where update checks can't be triggered