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10. Next steps


To get rid of security warnings you can use a proper code signing certificate. This step is optional; if you're just experimenting or will be distributing to a network where the admins can install custom root certificates, you can skip this section.

Conveyor can use existing keys, certificates and hardware security modules you may have, and it can also assist you in getting certificates if you don't already have them. To learn more, read about keys and certificates.

Check for updates in your app

The generated repository site has a file called in it, which contains the version and revision of the release. This uses the Java properties format and so can be easily loaded in a few lines of code from any language, without needing any special parser. Just be sure to skip any lines that start with a # as those are comments and to unescape newlines. This data can be used to poll for updates in the background, present update notifications and so on.

Change the default settings

Not happy with the defaults? There are lots of settings available, including settings that expose platform specific metadata and features.

Explore other types of app

Conveyor also supports servers with full Linux systemd integration. Take a look at the Linux config sections to learn more.

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