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The Human Optimized Config Object Notation is syntax sugar on top of JSON that makes it more convenient to write config files. Conveyor configs are written in an extended form of HOCON.

Let's learn HOCON by tidying up a simple JSON document.




We start with a basic JSON structure that represents a toy config file (not for Conveyor, this is just a generic example). All JSON is valid HOCON so we start with them being identical.

Drag the slider to the right.
We removed unnecessary quotes and colons, then replaced the remaining colons with equals signs (a purely aesthetic preference). Commas can be dropped from list elements if they're on separate lines.
We've removed quotes around non-special value strings, such as hostnames. The array is now on one line for compactness. HOCON allows for a more concise syntax by omitting unnecessary quotes when strings don't include any of these characters:

Here we got rid of the root braces. Then we defined a common default server configuration using object inheritance.

HOCON defines how duplicate keys and values are merged together. ${var.path} syntax does substitution, so by combining substitution with concatenation we can merge objects together creating a form of 'inheritance'.

Here ${defaultServer} is used to inherit properties from a base template, allowing us to override specific properties for development and production servers.

In this step, we're using the `key.subkey=value` syntax for a more concise notation. This shows how HOCON can allow for even more compact configuration files.
Finally, we've broken the file into sub-files using the include statement. This allows for more modular and maintainable configurations. The `defaultServer` configuration is now placed in a separate file, and we're including it in the main configuration.

Seeing the transform

You can run conveyor json to see the JSON equivalent of your config, including the default configuration that's been merged in. Secrets will be redacted from this output so it's safe to share.

Editor plugins


HOCON has a formal specification which describes its base features and rules in a more rigorous way.

Extending the defaults


It's good style to always append to lists rather than overwriting them. If you assign directly, importing other configs won't work as you'll overwrite the values they place in shared lists. In other words write key += value rather than key = [ value ]. The first form adds to whatever key currently holds, the second replaces it.

Conveyor Extensions

Conveyor adds the following features to base HOCON:

  1. Smart string lists.
  2. Including output from external commands.
  3. Access to environment variables.
  4. A temporary scratch object.

Smart string lists

Any key that requires a list of strings, files or URLs will have brace expansion applied to it recursively. For example:

a = [ thing, "foo-{{,extra-}utils,core}" ]

is equivalent to

a = [ thing, foo-utils, foo-extra-utils, foo-core ]

Additionally it's valid in Conveyor to set a string list property to be just a string - it'll be interpreted as a list containing that single element.

Including the output of external commands

You can generate config dynamically by using a hashbang include statement paired with an external program, like this:

// Assume my-external-program produces JSON or HOCON, include it.
include "#!my-external-program --flag 'an argument with spaces.txt'"

// Set the foobar key to the stdout of my-external-program.
include "#!=foobar my-external-program"

// You can assign each line of output to a list by adding [] to the key name.
include "#!=foobar[] my-external-program" 

// Setting environment variables also works.
include "#!ENV_VAR=VALUE my-external-program"

The command line will be evaluated in the same way on all operating systems including Windows, so if you want this to be portable you may want to ensure there's both a .bat version of your command as well as an extension-less UNIX version.

Environment variables

Environment variables can be accessed by writing ${env.FOO}.

app.mac.signing-key = ${env.HOME}/keys/apple.p12

The $HOME environment variable is available also on Windows even though it's not normally set, which can be convenient for pointing to files you don't want to store with your project. This happens because Conveyor is packaged with itself and therefore benefits from the custom launcher.

Temporary object

The top level temp object is deleted before config is printed out by the json command. It's useful to put keys here that have no real meaning and are only intended for concatenation with other keys.