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Build performance


When used effectively Conveyor can do incremental builds very fast, sometimes within seconds. When used ineffectively your package builds may be slow and take many minutes.

Here are some tips for speeding up package builds.

Ensure the disk cache is persistent


Ensure the cache directory is kept between builds.

Conveyor is implemented on top of a parallel, incremental build system with a content-addressable disk cache. The intermediate outputs of tasks are preserved and can be reused by the next build, even if that build is for a different app version, configuration or entirely unrelated project.

Some CI systems don't supply persistent disks to jobs. The top way people kill their Conveyor packaging speed is by erasing the disk cache at the end of every run. This will force Conveyor to re-download files and recompute data that hasn't changed, wasting bandwidth and CPU time. The location on each platform can be found here. Good CI systems will let you either backup/restore this cache between runs or (best) keep it on a persistent disk.

Ensure the cache is sized properly


Use the --cache-limit and --cache-free-space-limit flags to give Conveyor more disk. It defaults to 10 GB.

Depending on things like the size of your app and how many variant builds you produce, the cache may not be big enough. It's an LRU cache that's unified between all projects, so builds of app variants (different branches, dev vs prod) can reuse each other's work to speed things up. An implication of this is that the cache will expand to fill whatever space you give it before starting to clear out entries to stay under the limit.

The limit can be controlled in two ways: via a max usage, and a min free disk space. Please note that cache eviction is asynchronous so disk usage may temporarily go above the max usage limit during a build. If you have a dedicated disk for Conveyor (e.g. in a container) then you can set the limit to be higher than the disk size, and use --cache-free-space-limit to cause eviction when the OS starts to run out of space.

Adjust parallelism


Use the --parallelism flag to run more tasks at once.

Conveyor defaults to running four tasks in parallel. This is tuned for high-end laptops with fast SSDs. You may get higher performance with more parallelism, however it's not guaranteed because most build tasks are themselves able to use multiple cores. To learn if you can exploit more parallelism run a build with --rerun whilst watching a CPU monitor. If there are long periods where not all your cores are utilized, try bumping up to 5 or even 6. Conversely, if your machine is weak trying to do more at once can reduce performance, so lowering the parallelism level might help.

Build on Linux

Conveyor can run on Windows for the convenience of developers who wish to release or iterate on config from their developer machine. However, Conveyor builds are bottlenecked by disk IO and the Windows disk subsystem is much slower than on any other OS. If you can, run builds on a dedicated Linux bare metal machine. If you can't, consider using WSL2 and doing the build inside that.

macOS is fairly well optimized and has acceptable performance.

Use fast SSDs


The --cache-dir flag controls where work is done.

Conveyor spends most of its time transforming, moving and generating files. It can issue many file system operations simultaneously even when only one task is running. This approach yields huge speeds when using high quality SSDs, but slows things down when using hard disks. Try to hold your disk cache (where all the work is done) on an SSD.

Note that your project directory isn't touched except to read input files, and at the very end when the results are copied to the output directory. So it's OK if your source tree is on a remote network drive. Only the disk cache directory matters for performance.

JVM apps: Hard-code module lists


Set the app.jvm.modules list to the modules you know you need.

JVM builds can be slow because Conveyor will scan all the JARs using jdeps to figure out what JDK modules are needed. This shrinks your final redistributable significantly, but takes a lot of CPU time.

One way to speed this up is to hard code the module list in your config. You'll need to be careful when adjusting your app's dependencies as a new library or library version might start using a part of the JDK you weren't previously relying on, but this will eliminate the jdeps step entirely and yield big savings.

  1. Run conveyor -Kapp.machines=$MACHINE make processed-jars for each machine you're targeting. The output directory after each make will contain a file called required-jdk-modules.txt with a list of the JDK modules that were auto-detected using jdeps.
  2. Collect the lists together and remove duplicates.
  3. Add them to your config.

Like this:

app {
    jvm {
        modules = [
            // etc

The default list contains only one entry, detect, which is what triggers the use of jdeps. By overwriting the list so it no longer contains detect the scanning step is avoided. Repeat the process when you think your dependencies on the JDK may have changed.