
Compiling your app on every supported OS is annoying. Let's use GitHub Actions to compile our app for us. You can use any CI system of course, the procedure will be similar.

  • Upload your sample app to GitHub.
  • Delete the inputs section of your config and replace it with this:
    windows.amd64.inputs += artifacts/windows
    linux.amd64.inputs += artifacts/build-linux-amd64.tar
    mac.amd64.inputs += artifacts/build-macos-amd64.tar
    mac.aarch64.inputs += artifacts/build-macos-aarch64.tar
  • Add a build workflow file to .github/workflows and commit/push it. It should look like the build.yml file on this example.
  • Locate and copy the value of your root key.
  • Create a GitHub Encrypted Secret named SIGNING_KEY, and paste the value copied above (without the surrounding quotes).
  • Add a deploy workflow file to .github/workflows and commit/push it. It should look like the deploy-to-gh.yml file on this example.


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